About Me
Director. Writer. Creative.
Born in Australia, raised between Perth and Canggu, Jhaz Bullen-Williams is a film writer and director driven to explore unique perspectives. Her work delves into the intricacies of female relationships and identity across gender and sexuality, with an overarching emphasis on empathy and finding the fun in the darkest topics.
Jhaz’s journey started as a fashion photographer, studying Physics and Philosophy at UWA. After becoming introduced to the world of filmmaking, Jhaz became fascinated by it’s possibilities and immediately enrolled in the Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media at TAFE in 2018. During this time, Jhaz wrote one short film and directed another, solidifying her interest in creating and moulding stories from the seed of an original idea.
This is what led Jhaz to specialise in screenwriting at WA Screen Academy in 2020. Her original pitch and script, Piano, features a raw and unapologetic relationship between sisters that highlight themes of identity and family, which won her best writer of the graduating class. Jhaz also wrote and directed a documentary, Queer Nation, which puts a spotlight on how COVID has disproportionately effected the the LGBTQIA+ community.
Since graduating, Jhaz has written and directed the short documentary, Silver Halide, a film following the inner emotional journey that film photographers take during their shooting and developing process (premiering September 2023 at Lightworks Gallery). When she isn’t editing for the media company, Partografia, or doing freelance gaffing assistant work, Jhaz directs music videos, experimental visual art projects and creative video content for small businesses. These projects, especially ‘Grinreaper’ and ‘Bike Girl Hit by Car’, have garnered widespread acclaim locally for their unique fun and surreal look.